Wednesday, September 18, 2024
Donna at the Heliconian Club in Yorkville in Toronto gave a talk for 3/4 of an hour on what inspired and what research she did for her new novel The Age of Privilege. Set in the latter half of the twentieth century, the author defines that time as an age of privilege for baby boomers who were born and raised during a period of peace and prosperity. Dawn Wright is the author’s avatar, D. W. , who succeeds in a world of commerce and who breaks the glass ceiling. She is also a mother, a volunteer, and a wife. Sounds ideal, but there is a lingering menace, a rival, a woman who is from the privileged class and threatens her family.

Donna was interviewed on small town radio, 89.7 fm, about her current book. Visit her on Facebook. She is available for book talks at libraries and book clubs.

The Age of Privilege is available to libraries from Library Bound and White Hots and to bookstores from Ingram Books.

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